General Topics


Discussing the vaccine roll out.

Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, AGPA Deputy Chair with Virginia Trioli, Q&A 15 July 2021

DoH Updates 13 July – Updated Vaccination Advice

DoH have provided a number of updates today:

Letter from CMO with updated Vaccination advice here

COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Primary Care Update – 13 July here

Provider Bulletin 7 July here

Provider Bulletin 13 July here

ATAGI AZ Vaccination Risk V Benefit Analysis here

Best Practice expands options for Digital Prescription Tokens

Best Practice have announced that they have expanded their options for digital prescription tokens by adding MediSecure to their Prescription Exchange Service.

Previously, Best Practice could only enable practices to connect to eRx for digital tokens although of course they could use MediSecure for their barcode paper scripts. This delayed the roll out of QR codes and restricted Practices already using MediSecure to using paper scripts with bar codes.

Digital prescription tokens are indicative of the wave of digital transformation sweeping through General Practice. There have now been more than 10 million digital token prescriptions issued in Australia since launch late last year. By the end of the year estimates suggest more than 10% of all GP issued scripts will be delivered electronically.

The initial uptake of DPTs was linked to Telehealth but it now has a life of its own as many practices have discovered the convenience of not having to print scripts and physically hand them to patients.  In most cases it’s also more convenient for the patient to receive the QR code on a smartphone via email or text.

Media Release

Monty Python Joins Telehealth

 New Telehealth numbers came into effect on 1 July 2021.

The MBS change fact sheet published includes the statement:

A patient must assign their right to a Medicare benefit to an eligible provider by signing a completed assignment of benefit form.

The FAQs then address the question:

Can a patient assign their MBS benefit without a physical signature if they come into the practice?

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AGPA Succeeds with Pfizer for GP

This week 500 GP clinics commenced delivering Pfizer vaccine as well as the Astra Zeneca vaccine. By the end of July a further 1300 GP clinics will join the initial 500. Other GP clinics have also expressed an interest in delivering Pfizer vaccine, but have not been included in this first round.

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PCIG Update 7 July

Department of Health – Primary Health Care COVID-19 Response Teleconference 7 July 2021 – Meeting notes from Dr Maria Boulton

The Primary Care Implementation Group (PCIG) is an online meeting that includes most primary healthcare peak bodies. It is convened weekly by the Department of Health as part of the COVID-19 response.
Dr Maria Boulton attends on behalf of the AGPA.

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PCIG Meeting Notes 16 June

Department of Health – Primary Health Care COVID-19 Response Teleconference 16 June 2021 – Meeting notes from Dr Maria Boulton

The Primary Care Implementation Group (PCIG) is an online meeting that includes most primary healthcare peak bodies. It is convened weekly by the Department of Health as part of the COVID-19 response.
Dr Maria Boulton attends on behalf of the AGPA.

General Notes from the Meeting

Over 6 million COVID vaccine doses have been delivered to date

GP Pfizer Vaccine Program – Letters are being sent to GP clinics re-Pfizer vaccines today. Clinics are being onboarded from July to October

Await clarification whether GP needs to be onsite when COVID vaccines are provided to RACF residents or home visits, or whether nurse can bill on behalf of GP

Mixing Vaccine Types – ATAGI and TGA are reviewing evidence on mixing vaccine types, at the moment advice remains that both doses should be of the same vaccine if there are no contraindications.

No advice at the moment as to how to time a second vaccine dose of a different COVID vaccine when they have had severe side effects with the first.

Pregnant women are not eligible automatically for the COVID vaccine, they need to meet eligibility criteria

The Pandemic, General Practice, Doctor Shortages and Burn Out

Whether we like it or not, we are in the 3rd and 4th wave of the Pandemic, and things have pretty much progressed as expected.

At the Primary care level, we as GPs are feeling the pressure. We are feeling the impact of the interruption on chronic care, and the mental health caseload has exploded. Many health professionals are exhausted and burnt out. Successive governments have not increased the Medicare rebates to keep up with the health care costs. We have been asked to bulk bill all telehealth, and Covid vaccines, which we have all done as our patients have needed us. But our significant pressure now is that there are not enough GPs on the ground to do the work required.

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DoH COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Primary Care Update 17 June

The DoH have published an update on COVID-19 Vaccine Roll out including:

  • Updated ATAGI advice on the preferred aged groups Pfizer and Astra Zeneca Vaccines
  • CMO Statement on Updated ATAGI advice
  • Updated consent form
  • Decision making guide for women who are pregnant, breast-feeding or planning pregnancy
  • MBS Flag-Fall for Vaccine Suitability Assessment Services
  • Updates on Expansion of AZ General Practice Roll Out and GP delivery of Pfizer Vaccine.

    The update is here