The Independent Voice of General Practice Owners
The Australian General Practice Alliance was formed in 2016 to represent the interests of GP practice owners. While the initial trigger for the formation of the AGPA was the attacks on General Practice by the Australian Government and big business pathology, our aim is to address the issues that face principal led General Practices .
We have recently had a major influence on the PIP-QI program and the manner in which data is collected from practices.
The Australian model of GP owned private general practice has been responsible for our international reputation as an efficient and highly effective primary health care service.
We need you to join us to advocate and lobby Government to keep control of general practice in the hands of GPs.
We will work alongside the AMA and RACGP as an independent voice to represent GPs who believe ownership of practices by GPs best aligns business objectives with patient outcomes.
While both of these organisations represent General Practitioners we believe that they are often conflicted in dealing with the interests of the owners of those business that are the foundation for the delivery of primary health care in Australia.
As partners in our patients’ care, we shape our Practices to provide sustainable, safe and accessible care. While needing to operate with business principles, our overarching objective is to provide excellent health care to our patients over the long term. We differentiate ourselves from large corporates by not needing to achieve short term financial goals to sustain share prices. Unlike big business, we do not seek to dominate the industry with market share.
Successive Governments have not considered it important to have a vibrant general practice sector. As a result GPs have been sidelined repeatedly while strong lobby groups such as Pathology Australia and the Pharmacy Guild have been able to influence Government health policy and regulations.
We encourage all GP Practice Owners to become members to strengthen our ability to advocate for an independent and financially sustainable general practice
You can download a membership application form by clicking here.