Telehealth not Included in SWPE – Reduced PIP Payments

At a time when General Practice is working harder than ever  to ensure that Australians are vaccinated the Federal Government has decided to cut funding to General Practices.

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10.5 Million Australians Vaccinated

Over 10.5 M Australians have had at least one dose of Vaccine.

GP has delivered 50% of the 16.5m doses delivered to date.

The full daily breakdown report is here

COVID Update Briefs

These are some  updates to the vaccination program that we have found over the last week.  If you need more information please contact the AGPA Secretariat.

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PCIG Notes 18 August

Department of Health – Primary Health Care COVID-19 Response Teleconference 18  August 2021 – Meeting notes from Dr Maria Boulton

The Primary Care Implementation Group (PCIG) is an online meeting that includes most primary healthcare peak bodies. It is convened weekly by the Department of Health as part of the COVID-19 response. Dr Maria Boulton attends on behalf of the AGPA. Read more

PCIG Notes – 11 August

Department of Health – Primary Health Care COVID-19 Response Teleconference 11  August 2021 – Meeting notes from Dr Maria Boulton

The Primary Care Implementation Group (PCIG) is an online meeting that includes most primary healthcare peak bodies. It is convened weekly by the Department of Health as part of the COVID-19 response. Dr Maria Boulton attends on behalf of the AGPA. Read more

GP Is Delivering

Thursday 12 August:  the ACT went into lock down with its first case of COVID-19 in over 12 months.

On Tuesday a Canberra respiratory clinic Principal commented:

  • We have gone from 50 respiratory clinic appointments per day to 250 and we are pushing for 400 per day by next weekend. 
  • We delivered 1200 vaccinations on weekend of 14/15 August, did  600 respiratory clinic appointments, and took 1300 swabs.

    A lot of hours and tired staff. 

Friday 20 August: there are 94 active cases in the ACT, and more than 20,000 people are in quarantine.

More Than 13M Vaccine Doses Delivered

To date  more than 13 M vaccine doses have been delivered, about 50% by GP

The full progress report can be found here

DoH Strategic Information

The DoH have provided strategic information regarding the Vaccine Program including Operation COVID Shield Plan, Doherty Modelling and Horizons Allocations:

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DoH Information Updates

The Department of Health have released a number of updates for Providers:

General Updates

Provider Bulletin 2 August 2021

Provider Update 3 August 2021

Pfizer Updates

Pfizer Vaccine for Children Aged 12-15 Years

Pfizer Statement – COMIRNATY (BNT162b2 [mRNA]) COVID-19 Vaccine: risk of myocarditis and pericarditis


Pfizer Statement Comirnaty Vaccine Risk of Myocarditis & Pericarditis

Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd
Level 15-18
151 Clarence Street
Sydney NSW 2000

26 July 2021

COMIRNATY (BNT162b2 [mRNA]) COVID-19 Vaccine: risk of myocarditis and pericarditis

Dear Healthcare Professional,

PFIZER in agreement with the Therapeutic Goods Administration would like to inform you of the following:
• Cases of myocarditis and pericarditis have been reported very rarely following vaccination with COMIRNATY.

• The cases primarily occurred within 14 days after vaccination, more often after the second dose and in younger men.

• Available data suggest that the course of myocarditis and pericarditis following vaccination is similar to the course of myocarditis and pericarditis in general.

• Healthcare professionals should be alert to the signs and symptoms of myocarditis and pericarditis.

• Healthcare professionals should advise vaccinated individuals to seek immediate medical attention should they experience chest pain, shortness of breath, or palpitations.

Background on the safety concern
COMIRNATY (BNT162b2[mRNA]) COVID-19 Vaccine has provisional approval for: Active immunisation to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2, in individuals 12 years of age and older. The use of this vaccine should be in accordance with official recommendations.

Myocarditis and pericarditis have been reported in association with COMIRNATY.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration has evaluated all available data and asked for the Product Information for COMIRNATY to be updated. Sections 4.4 ‘Special warnings and precautions for use’ and 4.8 ‘Adverse effects (Undesirable effects)’ have been updated.

The benefits of vaccination continue to outweigh any risks.

To 11 July 2021, approximately 3.7 million COMIRNATY doses have been administered, and the TGA has received 50 cases of suspected myocarditis and/or pericarditis relating to individuals vaccinated with COMIRNATY. (COVID-19 vaccine weekly safety report – 15-07-2021 )

Call for reporting

This vaccine is subject to additional monitoring in Australia. This will allow quick identification of new safety information. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse events at

Australian Distributors’ contact points
Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd
Level 17, 151 Clarence Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Medical Information, or
Toll Free Number: 1800 675 229

Scott Williams
Vaccines Medical Director Australia, New Zealand and Korea