General Topics

Flu Vaccination Program

The geographical breakdown of of flu vaccinations reported to the AIR at cob 24 May 2021 is here

PCIG Meeting Notes 26 May 2020

Department of Health – Primary Health Care COVID-19 Response Teleconference 26/05/2021 – Meeting notes from Dr Maria Boulton

The Primary Care Implementation Group (PCIG) is an online meeting that includes most primary healthcare peak bodies. It is convened weekly by the Department of Health as part of the COVID-19 response.

Dr Maria Boulton attends on behalf of AGPA.

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Telehealth Survey

With changes announced for the Telehealth program the AGPA is seeking your views on how important this program is and how your Practice will respond to changes.

The survey link is here

COVAX Survey Results

Dr Trish Baker’s, interview with ABC about these results is here.

Preliminary results from the AGPA COVAX Capability Survey are:

  • On average Practices are receiving about 230 AZ doses per week.
  • On average Practices would like to deliver about 310 doses per week (x 4000 practices = 1.24 M doses per week – more than the current Australian production)
  • On average Practices think they could surge to about 340 doses per week (x 4000 Practices = 1.36M per week)
  • 96% of Practices think that the administrative burden of COVID vaccination is Significantly Greater (79.6%) or Greater(16.3%) when compered to influenza vaccines.
  • Almost 33% of Practices remain very concerned or concerned about their medicolegal liability regarding COVAX.
  • 67% of Practices think it is Difficult or Very Difficult for Patients to understand the risk vs benefit of COVID vaccination.
  • The major impact of running COVID vaccination clinics has been a reduction in service in the areas of Chronic Disease Management and Health Assessments.
  • 70% of Practices would be willing or very willing to deliver the Pfizer vaccine

DoH Update – Additional AZ Vaccine

The Doh has released updated information on vaccine dose allocations and links to updated resources on the DoH website.

AGPA has been advocating for increased supply since the vaccination program commenced. Our recent survey indicates that there is still capacity for further increases.

General Practice vaccination sites that currently receive 50 or 100 doses per week will have their allocation increased from:

  • 50 to 150 doses per week (ordered as 300 doses per fortnight), and
  • 100 to 200 doses per week.

The DoH release with this information and other links is here

PCIG Meeting Notes 5 May 2020

Department of Health – Primary Health Care COVID-19 Response Teleconference 05/05/2021 – Meeting notes from Dr Maria Boulton

The Primary Care Implementation Group (PCIG) is an online meeting that includes most primary healthcare peak bodies. It is convened weekly by the Department of Health as part of the COVID-19 response.
Dr Maria Boulton attends on behalf of the AGPA.

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PCIG Update from Meeting of 28 April

Department of Health – Primary Health Care COVID-19 Response Teleconference 28/4/2021 – Meeting notes from Dr Maria Boulton

The Primary Care Implementation Group (PCIG) is an online meeting that includes most primary healthcare peak bodies. It is convened weekly by the Department of Health as part of the COVID-19 response. Dr Maria Boulton attends on behalf of the AGPA.
Dr Nathan Pinskier, and AGPA member also attends

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DoH Phase 1B GP Vaccine Roll Out – Update 30 April 2021

The DoH has released updated advice on in-reach COVID-19 vaccination services for aged care workers , advice on co-administration of vaccines, updated AstraZeneca vaccine Easy Read, and updated links.

In-reach for Aged Care Workers

Phase 1B General Practice Update – 30 April

COVAX Capacity Survey

The AGPA is surveying General Practice about the COVAX program. Our aim is mainly to see how much capacity there is to increase vaccination programs using GP. While there is a lot of anecdotal information we think it is important to try to quantify the amount of capacity. There are 10 questions and it should take less than 2 minutes to complete.

The survey link is here

AGPA Directors Active in Media

The last two months have been a busy time for the AGPA directors with media commentary regarding the COVAX rollout covering issues from  assistance with consumables and vaccine supply (or lack thereof) to medical indemnity associated with the provision of Astra Zeneca vaccine to patients under 50.

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