
Meet the Candidates – AGPA Webinar – 6 August

Meet the Candidates

Thursday 6 August, 8:30pm AEST via Zoom

Primary health care in Australia is led by Practice Principals who work in the Practices they own, providing clinical leadership and facilities to deliver a high quality, community based, primary healthcare system.
The RACGP council elections will take place in August 2020. The majority of RACGP members are not Practice owners.
The College has significant influence on government policy regarding General Practice and therefore its policies impact on General Practice Principals as the owners of the practices.
The candidates for President of the RACGP have agreed to address an AGPA forum so that Practice Principals can hear their views on matters which impact on GP Principals.
The forum will ask each candidate to answer three set questions relevant to GP Principals, followed by a short general policy position.

The candidates:
Dr Charlotte Hespe
Dr Chris Irwin
Dr Karen Price
Dr Ayman Shenouda
Dr Magdalena Simonis