2024 RACGP President Candidate Responses to AGPA Questions

There are five candidates for RACGP president in 2024. They are:

Dr Palmyra De Banks, Dr Alan Bradley, Dr Michael Clements, Dr Monirul Haque & Dr Michael Wright.

The Australian GP Alliance put four questions relevant to Practice Owners to the candidates requesting written responses from them.

  1. Do you understand the costs involved in running a Practice?  Responses are here
  2. Do you think you can provide a vision for the future for General Practice if you don’t have experience in running a small business? Responses are here
  3. What is your plan to improve the viability of General Practices? Responses are here
  4. What is your plan to help prospective Practice owners? Responses are here

The Australian model of GP owned private general practice has been responsible for our international reputation as an efficient and highly effective primary health care service. The continuation of high quality primary healthcare in Australia is dependent on the continued viability of the Practices that provide the leadership and infrastructure that allows GPs to practice, and patients to access the healthcare system.