Cubiko Ownership

On 28 May 2025 the Australian GP Alliance (AGPA)  wrote to members advising it had come to our attention that that the medical data analytics  application Cubiko is ultimately majority owned by medical corporate Sonic Holdings.

The majority ownership by Sonic was believed to have occurred approximately 12 months earlier. The Cubiko website currently states that this controlling interest occurred in April 2023.

Sonic Holdings are a major operator in the Australian Healthcare Sector with approximately 35% of the pathology services. Their website states that they have over 200 GP clinics trading as Sonic HealthPlus, Australian Skin Cancer Clinics and IPN Medical Services.

AGPA expressed its concern that at the time of Sonic taking a controlling interest there was no advice to Cubiko users and while the Cubiko website states that Sonic Holdings have no access to data the lack of transparency is concerning.

An ASIC search of Cubiko Holdings Pty Ltd,  ACN 624  244 140, reveals that there are 22,406,820 ordinary shares.

  • The most recently appointed director is Christopher David Wilks, appointed 20 April 2023.
  • The largest shareholder is of Cubiko Holdings Pty Ltd ACN 002 889 545 Pty Ltd, ACN 889 545, with 11,491,638 ordinary shares, 51.3 % .
  • Four share transfers are done on 27 and 28 April 2023.

An ASIC search of ACN624 244 140 reveals that there are thee (3) ordinary shares.

  • The sole shareholder is Douglass Hanly Moir Pathology Pty Limited
  • The Directors are Colin Stephen Goldschmidt and Christopher David Wilks, both directors are appointed 2 November 2000.
  • Until 17 December 2007 the company name was Stat Laboratories Pty Ltd.
  • The ultimate holding company is recorded as Sonic Healthcare Limited, ACN 004 196 909

The Sonic Healthcare website lists Dr Colin Goldschmidt as CEO and Managing Director and Chris Wilks as CFO. Both are listed as Executive Directors.