AGPA Question 4:What is your plan to help prospective Practice owners?

Dr Palmyra De Banks:
Supporting prospective practice owners is crucial for the future of general practice. I plan to advocate for more accessible and practical business support and training for GPs, ensuring they are well-equipped to manage the financial and operational aspects of a practice. Additionally, I will promote mentorship programs that connect new practice owners with experienced operators who can provide guidance and support. My own experience in setting up clinics and managing a large network of practices has shown me the value of such support. I will also push for financial incentives and grants to assist in establishing practices, particularly in underserved areas.

Dr Alan Bradley:
I teach hundreds of GP registrars in my role as a medical educator. The majority aren’t interested in becoming practice owners. This needs to change, unless we want a GP landscape dominated even further by large multinational corporations.
We do that by listening and responding to the concerns of current practice owners, as well as by improving the viability of General Practice as a profession. As above: this involves not capitulating to scope creep, avoiding going down the NHS capitation path, and increasing the respect and attractiveness of general practice by achieving pay parity for GP registrars with their hospital colleagues.

Dr Michael Clements:
Firstly, it is by fiercely defending and advocating for the models of small business general practices in Parliament and pushing back on some of the narratives of the idea that GP system has ‘failed’ – it hasn’t failed it just hasn’t been funded. I have been a big fan and regular attender and presenter at the RACGP Practice Owners conferences, I feel like it is my tribe. These conferences have so much energy and the enthusiasm from potential practice owners is palpable so I think we need to extend that support and that energy through other aspects of RACGP work. We need a culture and a community of support throughout the entire college for practice ownership and owners.

Dr Monirul Haque:
Share the knowledge and support each other on overcoming the barriers. I would support the prospective Practice owners by organising a Practice Owner Mentor and share best practices.

Dr Michael Wright:
Through my work with the RACGP Expert Committee and with Avant, I’ve been providing active support for prospective owners in setting up practices, and presented at multiple RACGP and Practice Owners conferences about practice financing and viability issues. This promotion will continue under my Presidency. I think the main attractor to encouraging interest in practice ownership  will come through better evidence of financial viability (I’m currently leading a research project out of UNSW that is looking at this), and a stronger narrative about general practice being a great profession and having a strong future.  The real evidence of success will come from increased interest in practice ownership (reported in Health and the Nation and in member sentiment).  I look forward to working with AGPA members to achieve this plan.