AGPA Question 2: Do you think you can provide a vision for the future for General Practice if you don’t have experience in running a small business?

Dr Palmyra De Banks:
I have significant experience in both clinical practice and business management, having established clinics in the UK and currently overseeing a large network of 19 clinics in Victoria and 80 clinics nationally. This extensive background equips me with a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities within general practice. My vision for the future is informed by this experience and focuses on creating a sustainable, patient-centred model of care that supports both practitioners and patients. I am committed to leveraging my experience to advocate for policies that benefit the entire general practice community.

Dr Alan Bradley:
I have experience running a small business – I ran a successful tutoring company while working as a resident doctor. However, I think a vision of the future of General Practice is much broader than the experience of small business owners. That’s why I think having more representation on the RACGP board – of GPs who are not practice owners – will improve discussion at board meetings and lead to overall better outcomes for General Practice in Australia.

Dr Michael Clements:
I joined RACGP and AMA Councils at the same time I opened my practice as I wanted more business intelligence on understanding how I needed to shape my business to evolving challenges. I moved up the chain within RACGP and want the top job now as I believe we need a practice owner who truly understands the implications of government policy on general practice at the coalface. My vision is for profitable and sustainable private practices to be the core providers of health care in the country and I know practice owners are ready to deliver with the right support.

Dr Monirul Haque:

I do believe, running a small business is important to understand the complexity of running a General Practice. Only then one can understand the pain points of the Fellow General Practice owners and help them with growing their business.

Dr Michael Wright:
Not impossible but experience in owning and running a practice has given me many skills which are still of value in my current practice where although I am an independent contractor all of our contractor GPs are keenly aware of viability issues.  My experiences as an owner, salaried and contractor gives me multiple perspectives to draw on.